Monday, May 17, 2010

what a day

had an unexpected day off, but i made the most of it. spent the morning and early afternoon working on a demo of an older song, "in the dark", that somehow never managed to get recorded. it's coming along nicely. quite different than things we do live, but one of the best, and most personal, songs i've ever written, easily. it's one of those songs that i still have no idea how or when i wrote. one day it was just there in my little black book, and now i just try to respect it and do it justice as best i can... i do suspect it was around this time last year though.. also spent some time today working out some new ideas, hopefully those flesh out fully in the near..

spent the rest of the afternoon preparing a huge dinner of curry chicken, jasmine rice with mixed veggies, and a potato/carrot medley (haha).. fulfillment at it's finest.

after dinner, i went for a good long jog, and i feel great now.. settling down now for the evening with a glass of red and the last few chapters of "big sur"...

what a day, what a day.

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