Monday, October 19, 2009

post tour update

we've been home from tour for a few days, and i've been wanting to update here, but i've been pretty ill. i spent most of this past saturday in the hospital.. i had flu like symptoms for a few days prior, but i woke up saturday coughing up blood n guts. scary stuff. spent all day in the hospital getting bloodwork done, tubes down my throat, iv in my arm, the whole bit. all to find out that i have some nastu virus, which i just gotta let do it's thing til it'd gone. awesome..

anyway, i'm starting to feel better now, and i thought i'd give a little rundown of the shows on this tour...

shreveport - awesome venue, but the local canceled on us at the last minute, so there wasn't a soul in attendance. hah. it sounded great though, and was a good practice.

festival in rockdale - it had been raining for days before we got there, so the ground was nice and muddy for everyone... it was also pretty cold, which was unexpected. plenty of good times kickin' it with the cartright boys, smoke and feathers, ocha, dead meadow, and everyone else. sound was a little funny for us, and we were all feeling a little under the weather, but it was a good time!

houston - best show on this tour in my opinion! sound was good, folks were receptive and welcoming. houston's music scene seems to be on the rise.. really nice sunday afternoon vibe that day. thanks bohemeos!

lake charles - a joke. the venue wasn't prepared for us at all, and evidently didn't know we were coming, even though they booked us... also, later that night, we got a hotel in lafayette, which turned out to be a terrible idea. crackheads everywhere.. it wasn't just unsafe, we were being theatened.. so we left, and slept in the van at a loves for a few hours...

new orleans - pulled into town at 7 am, feelin' rough. spent the day bumming around, trying to get a little rest... finally got a hotel, took naps and showers, and went on to the show that night. king louie flipped out on the other band playing, so they left, weird vibes.. good show otherwise. saturn bar is a top notch establishment, go have a drink next time your in nola.

the drive home - got to see hank williams boyhood home in AL. also, montgomery flea market, the one of youtube fame. what a sad little flea market...

been recovering since we got home, but i'm feelin' better. fixing to start demoing some new material to release very soon. stay tuned!

and come to the drunken unicorn this saturday, the 24th... it's my first headlining show in ATL, and i'm playin with some top dollar bands from out west!

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