Friday, April 16, 2010

rec diary three

i can't remember when i last updated.. everything has been a bit of a blur since then. long, but eventful, days of recording and short nights of little sleep.. everything is moving along though...

...and by eventful, i mean that chris almost died while tracking some slide guitar, literally... we had been working all afternoon, and chris was complaining of weird chest pains.. eventually, while we were tracking some guitar on twenty echoes, the pain got so bad, we decided a trip to the ER was in order. scary stuff.. they had him in a bed with monitors hooked up to him in no time. a few hours later, they released him, with not much of an explanation as to what happened. he's feeling better now, but everyone is still confused as to what was causing the pain..

as of today, all the instruments are completely tracked. we started doing vocals yesterday i think. so far, two songs are completely finished, and we've started vocals on two others. earlier tonight, i started to feel like my voice didn't have much left in it, so we're taking the rest of the evening off, and we'll start tackling what's left tomorrow afternoon. excitement is setting in as we're getting close to finishing all the tracking. it's been a long time since we officially released anything, and i don't know that i've ever been more proud of anything i've done musically. hopefully we'll be releasing something online soon! more details soon!

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